Key: Ki Klaksvik's last 6 away matches about talent.
Comment on match results
Statistics show that Molde has won the last 9 matches at home, won the last 6/9 matches, won the last 5 matches at home, won the last 7/10 matches.
If you're looking for football tips statistics to boost your betting profits, be sure to follow the advice of reputable tipsters and analyze the latest team news, head-to-head records, and other key factors that can influence the outcome of a match
That shows a large possibility that the home team of Aker Stadion will have a big victory against Ki Klaksvik to bring joy to the home audience.
Judging the number of goals
Statistics show that the confrontation at Molde field is quite likely to have 3 or more goals. Specifically, the last 4/5 matches of Ki Klaksvik, the last 4/5 matches of Ki Klaksvik away from home, the last 5/8 of Molde's matches have returned.
Molde vs Ki Klaksvik Performance Analysis
Molde won the last 6/10 matches, did not win the last 3/5 matches. At home, coach Erling Moe's army won the last 9/10 matches, won the last 5/5 matches.
Ki Klaksvik won the last 6/10 matches, did not win the last 3/5 matches. Away from home, coach Mikkjal Thomassen's team won the last 7/10 matches, won the last 3/5 matches.
Analysis of Asian odds Molde vs Ki Klaksvik
Looking for the best football tips 1x2 ? Check out our expert predictions and analysis at to increase your chances of winning big on your next bet.
Molde won 7/10 recent Asian matches, of which the last 3/5 matches did not win. At home, coach Erling Moe's army won the last 7/10 matches, won the last 5/5 matches.
Ki Klaksvik won 6/10 recent Asian matches, of which won the last 4/5 matches. Away from home, coach Mikkjal Thomassen's team won the last 6/10 matches, won the last 3/5 matches.
Molde vs Ki Klaksvik match performance analysis
According to the over and under, Molde finished in the last 6/10 matches, and over in the last 3/5 matches. At home, coach Erling Moe's army finished in the last 5/10 matches, and lost in the last 3/5 matches.
According to the over-under bet, Ki Klaksvik has been weak in the last 6/10 matches, over in the last 4/5 matches. Away from home, coach Mikkjal Thomassen's team finished in the last 6/10 matches, finished in the last 4/5 matches.
Select: Molde (-1 3/4).
Predicting fortune and fainting: Tai.
Predict the score: 3-1.

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